Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blonde Ambition

Some of us are on meaningful, important quests in life. These quests lead to discoveries, inventions, and ways to make the earth a better place to live. I, on the other hand, am on the quest to find the perfect shade of blonde.

I was born to be a blonde, only my parents and God forgot to give me a blonde gene that would last past the age of 16. Just in time for me to become old enough to drive to the local CVS and buy some L'Oreal dye.

While on the quest for the golden shimmer, I went astray at times and had hair that covered the brown through platinum spectrum. Unfortunately as my highlights got lighter, my natural color got darker and darker. I was at the peak of perfect highlightedness when I got pregnant. Which poses an important decision for a "fake" blonde. I'm sure highlights are fine while pregnant, but since I didn't want to take any risks, I decided to let them "grow out" while I was pregnant.

Do you have any idea how long it takes to grow out any unnatural hair color? Well I can tell you, it's been a year and 8 months and there's still some old blonde hanging around. That was just long enough for me to throw my hands up and give in to the light side. I went in yesterday to begin the process of returning to the golden shimmer. When the stylist showed me the "hair samples" that I have grown so fond of and the words caramel, golden, and honey started rolling off of her tongue, I felt the familiar comfortableness and excitement that you feel when you are about to see an old friend, a me that I recognize and miss.

I should say that there is nothing wrong with beautiful, rich dark hair. I admire it very much - on other people. My daughter has brown hair which encouraged me to embrace my natural side. After much contemplation, I decided that she would agree that mommy looks better with highlights and she'd forgive me.

Besides, it's been a long time since someone has thrown a blonde joke my way. I've come to miss those insulting little buggers. I'll know I've reached the perfect shade when someone has the nerve to tell me a new one.


  1. Haha! You're funny. I faced the highlight dilemma too when I got pregnant. My stylist applied a dark shade to the ends of my hair -- never touching my scalp -- so it would match my roots. However, his color turned out to be even darker than my roots! It was awful. But I suffered through it. The dark color has faded quite a bit now and looks more natural, thank goodness.

  2. Your post made me laugh, I was once a "blonde" but decided to embrace being a brunette, I do miss it sometimes, especially when I see pictures of my old self. Thanks for stopping by my blog and about the hours, yeah they are awesome, just today I was surprised with a "im on call" which I had completely forgotten about and the "best part" is that my little one is sick.
