Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ahh..So close...

So night two of our hopefully new sleeping pattern didn't go over as I had planned. C went down at 8:45 and was out like a light in no time. The all so familiar sounds of her muttering and grunting were quickly heard at 4:15am. I let her fidget for about half an hour then I went in to change her diaper. I held strong to my new "no nighttime bottle" policy. Although she was not happy to see me quickly disappear into the dark night right after her diaper change, she was back asleep by 5:15. It was a little hard to hear her crying and stirring around in her crib, but I know it's best for all of us to give this a good, hard shot. I truly believe that I have fostered this nighttime waking by going in and being her source of comfort. I know she is able to self soothe, I just need to have the patience - when I am about to fall over tired and just want her to go back to sleep - to let her practice this skill.

So because she didn't have a bottle in the night NOR did she have one during the day - sippy straw cup all the way - that's two days in a row without a bottle! I think this could be it. I think I might have washed my last bottle until baby number 2 comes along. Wow, I really disliked washing those bottles. They have five parts to take apart and wash. I'm going to encourage a different, simpler version for my next child.

My husband's away at a conference for the weekend so I'll have to be strong and battle the nighttime cries alone. It's always easier to have someone else here to remind me that it's OK if she cries and she'll go back to sleep (eventually). I'm hoping by the time he's back she's sleeping through the night or just simply returning to sleep with a new diaper and not a bottle.

Wish her (and me) luck!!!

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