Monday, April 6, 2009

Sleep Tight, Little Ones

Sleep. What parent really needs that anyway? I mean seriously, I'm ashamed of all the times I dragged myself into school, DD coffee hanging from my lips, LL Bean monogrammed tote bag in tow, whining about how tired I was. What a wimp! Parents are like superheros. I needed to become one (a parent that is) to truly appreciate the strength of the human body.

So last night went PRETTY good! Quinn started off in his "oh so comfy" new crate in the living room. He was exhausted from his day so he was out like a light in no time at all. 9:00pm and the house was quiet. C, sound asleep for two hours now, Q, off in dreamland, husband lightly snoring by 9:01 and mommy - awake.

Story of my life. I was past exhaustion, but up and worrying about how many times each little one would wake me throughout the night. It must have been somewhere around 10pm when the exhaustion took over and I finally drifted off to sleep. 11:00pm, C needs a new diaper, a binky, and a whirl on the 'ol mobile.

11:44pm, Quinn beqins crying. As promised, my husband, A, got himself out of bed and headed downstairs to see what was up. Now, I too got up to check on my four legged baby, but NOT to take him out.

Gotta love husbands. There's mine in his PJ pants, no shirt, shoes and a jacket. We've been working for, oh, maybe 10 years now, on possibly being prepared and ready for situations. Going out to walk a dog in upstate New York in PJ pants and a jacket in April isn't going to work. I mean you'd only be able to stay out there for a few minutes before you realized you were, um, let's say, COLD. Those few minutes would not be enough for a new puppy to do ALL of his biz-nass. After they went out, we played with him to "tire him out" for a bit.

Ya know, as I think about it, maybe sleep is important because even though these events took place less than 12 hours ago, I can't quite recall the exact series of them! I may have to edit this later or tomorrow once I can consult with A, my partner in parenting crime.

Anyway, stay focused Christie. There was poop somewhere in the night. This poop led me to be doing laundry at some ungodly hour of the morning and Q's big move to the "not so comfy" big wire crate in the basement. I gave him a quilt and a rope toy and turned on the dryer. He cried for a bit but then he was out. I know I mentioned in an earlier post that our house was small. Just to give you a little more insight, it's so small, that Q's helpless whimpering was heard from the basement as loudly as if he were in bed with me. As promised, A walked him before he went to work, around 5am and Q drifted back off to dreamland until I went down to get him at 7am. Not too bad of a night! Oh, let's not forget C's bottle at 4:45am either.

I have to say, it's awfully nice to have somebody sitting between my ankles when I wash dishes and chase my feet around while I do my mommy chores in the kitchen. I've never known anyone who thought sponge mopping the floor was such a hoot! I've successfully done some housework and put C down for her morning nap. I'm rethinking the whole "shower at the gym" thing. I was never into it, but now that the opportunity is lost for this morning and I'm thinking a shower isn't happening until late tonight, I might be packing a towel and some soap with my ipod tomorrow.

The three of us will make our first trip to the vet this afternoon. I can't wait for Dr. M to meet our new little guy. Our last interaction was on Fin's last day and let's just say, it wasn't a good visit.

Did I mention that I went to the post office, PetCo, and was running on the treadmill at the gym by 9:30am? Go ahead, you can ask. I was wondering too. Do you think LL Bean makes monogrammed capes? It's all the fashion rage among superheros :) Maybe you already have one...

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