Friday, April 10, 2009

Somebunny has a runny nose...

I can't believe that it only took 9 months 2 weeks and 5 days for me to become "that mom." Our friends A and J had their first child this past week! Little baby L! He's just 3 days old. I wanted to stop by and bring them a gift for the baby, but then I remembered back to when C was born and it was great when friends dropped off dinner. So after getting little baby L a storybook, because I believe in literacy, I hit the Ravioli Shop to grab dinner for A and J. A box of 5 cheese ravioli, a container of vodka sauce and a fresh baked loaf of semolina bread, delicious.

I pulled up to A and J's house, unannounced, because I am only dropping off dinner. I was so happy to see the car in the driveway and find out that they were home. ONLY as I was gathering my bags of goodies from the car and schleping them to the front door, I looked at little C and the boogers coming from her nose. How can it be that I've turned into that mom that's about to bring her snotty child into the home of a newborn??? I can't believe this. I would have died if someone entered my home 9 months 2 weeks and 5 days ago with a runny nosed almost toddler. Gasp! What do I do now? Well, I'll be honest - as if they won't be able to tell for themselves that C isn't feeling her best. It's amazing how you learn to dismiss the common cold so quickly. As A opened the door I announced that C had a runny nose and I promised I wouldn't stay long or bring her near the baby. Luckily, A is great with babes and he gladly played and held little C so I could go upstairs and congratulate J and marvel at beautiful baby L.

C successfully never went on the same floor as the baby and I made sure to wash my hands before even entering the nursery. And as for my earlier comment about "dismissing the common cold," that comes after a visit to the doctor yesterday and a $20 copay. I guess that's the going rate for the piece of mind that your child is just fine.

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